Hello AITs,
Well, one month under your belt, folks! Congrats! You must admit this job is so riveting (and yes demanding) that it is impossible to keep track of time. The longer you stick with ArtsAround the more you will appreciate that time really does fly. Never a dull moment in this job. Confusing, chaotic, fulfilling and demanding. But boring-nope that isn’t ever going to happen. Now that you have had a few weeks to have fun with your students, and you have introduced this year’s school community theme which is a:
A School Full of Stars!
Keep in mind the Sky/School Full of Stars theme song is to be learned by all kids so when the first assembly occurs, they are all ready to sing-aloud and strike their ‘Superhero’ pose. It is your job to make every child feel they are a star in some way. If it’s hard to decide, create a ‘handle’ for them, consider: The most caring classmate; the best mover and shaker; the best orator; the most thoughtful; the neatest student ever; always cheerful; best comedian; best temperament; best problem solver etc. Make it up, for crying out loud. Change it around all year long. Be creative. Just find a reason to celebrate the inner child, not just the one who gets the best marks or a sports medal but even those who are lacking in confidence. EVERY one of them can bring value to the classroom family. Everyone is special in some way!
Meet with your principal, if you have not already done so, to decide when the school assemblies are taking place and decide which grade level will be ‘showing off’ how they are stars. To be exact, each grade could perform a song or dance or dramatization from their ArtsAround program, in one chosen assembly, so they get to feel the rush of being a star…even if it is just for a moment. If there are 8 assemblies throughout the year, assign one grade level to perform together at each assembly. Do not pick the Ks to go first as they need a bit more time to prepare. Also, don’t forget to inform the classroom teacher to provide a few rehearsal periods, during class time or gym, before the assembly. PLEASE keep your classroom teacher informed and make sure to get on their good side this month. If you did not email them the topics their students are working on during September, start this practice in October.
You can look at your Short- or Long-Range Plan to get that information. Encourage classroom teachers to integrate the ArtsAround learning into their Science, Social Studies, Literacy, Math, Health and Physical Education, and Visual Arts programming. That way you truly do have a ‘school full of stars.’ After all, everyone deserves one moment to shine!