Hi AITs,
Here’s Trevor Muir again. He is the teacher you saw in a brief video where he talked about staff conflict. I love this guy because he uses his own experiences to improve his classroom management and he is always willing to share with others. I find this teacher to be very transparent about his mistakes, bloopers, and efforts in providing the best scenarios to help his students understand new concepts. Sometimes it is hard to know if your students are actually understanding new concepts or if they are faking it.
In this article he shares lots of ways to engage students in meaningful dialogue. Try one or more of these ideas and see how it works for you. You may want to share at your AIT Chatroom too since learning from each other is always better than figuring it out on your own. Check Trevor out here: https://www.trevormuir.com/blog/class-discussion-strategies
Some teachers avoid change because it is difficult for them. Some teachers do not want to consider new approaches because it may mean more work etc. Others revel in learning new strategies. Trevor Muir is a teacher who believes that teachers need to ‘Make Learning Epic’. However, you will see him honestly admit how difficult that can be with so many different personalities involved. Watch the short video where he openly discusses the Reality of School Staff Conflict (3:44 minutes) in our last post. I think this may resonate with you. Proof that you have to ‘deal to heal.’