“Snow, snow Keep coming our way! Time for kids to get outside to play! Fingers crossed for a SNOW DAY! Hip, hip hooray!”
Welcome to Snowy Days AITs,
Yes, it’s that time of year! (Dear God, Are you there? Let the next two days (not weekend days) be declared stay-at-home-snow days. Much love, the Teacher).
Why not help your kids get ready for those snowy days. Instead of binging out on Netflix or Tik Tok, Instagram or texting, why not encourage them to get outside to discover, explore, get wet and cold so when they return home the warm flames of a fireplace and a big mug of hot chocolate with sprinkles or marshmallows will taste DEELISH! Prepare them for their next snow day. PUT AWAY ALL SCREENS long enough to play outside-snow or no snow!
Tell them you want them to meet your friend Trevor (he would be if he lived closer). He has the right idea about using snow days to get “lots of fresh air”. Playing outside on snow days is so freeing in comparison to freezing to death at recess. Remind them to dress the part, bring extra mitts and just have fun. Find some neighbour’s kids to play with. The more the merrier. Ahh, fresh air!
See what my friend Trevor did with his kids on their snow days.
When you do go out to play, leave your phone dry and safe in your backpack, and take a quick video or a few photos to show your classmates what you did on this year’s snow day. AITs, take a bow. You are the one teacher in the school who will always get your kids on their feet, moving around, every time you see them-even if it is just in the space of a classroom. Yeoman service indeed!
Keep on keeping on! You got this in more ways than one. I am sure some high school student or parent could be recruited to collect footage from a class to make into ‘Memories of_____(add date) 2024 Snow Day.’
What a fun memory for the entire class to keep forever. By planting these seeds, you may be pleasantly surprised to see what your kids can come up with for good old-fashioned fun~